On December 9, 2023 three young ladies from the Washington Metropolitan Region were chosen by a team of prestigious judges as recipients of the prestigious Discovering Me Scholarship Award presented by Esther Productions Inc. in partnership with The Black Student Fund. The winners were selected based on the quality of their essays that told of the challenges they have faced related to growing up without the presence and active involvement of their fathers in their lives. The young essay writers also discussed how they have come to build resilience and to appreciate their own value and independence. Kenya Thomas received the top prize of $1500.00 for her heartfelt essay. The newly established $500 President's Award also was later given to Simaya Hammond. In the middle school category, cash awards were presented to Vanity Ewart-Smith and Makda Nana; they were 1st and 2nd Place winners respectively, receiving more than $700 in total prizes. Kariana Bates received an Honorable Mentio...
The purpose of this blog is to share information regarding the consulting services and work that Ms. Afrika Abney offers and provides as a professional visual artist and art consultant since 1992. In 1992, she was a high school student and 15 years old. Ms. Abney has a proven track record of curating art exhibitions, social media marketing, and graphic designing. Her expertise includes proficiency in Microsoft Word, Publisher, and Excel, as well as gallery operations and flyer dissemination.