Starting from the beginning means understanding that my journey is different from yours. Trying to obtain if I am joking, means that you really were not transparent when I met you. I was 2 years old in 1978 and enrolled at NationHouse. I participated in numerous activities when I was a student at NationHouse.
At Bell, from 1991-1993, I was 14 -16. I have no clue who nominated me to participate in the completion that I participated in from 1992-1993.
When I was a student, I was only attracted to boys. Boys who act like gentlemen.
As an adult over the age of 30, I am only attracted to single straight male over the age of 30 who act like gentlemen.
When I worked in various settings, I was only interested in the services that I provided, not dating. It is unethical for me to go on dates when employed. I have removed myself from those settings. Since 2018, I have not provided any educational, career day and free services.
Better questions produce stronger answers.I have thrown away many clothing articles and other items. Stop looking at old photos!
Contact - 202-384-5925